Monday, March 31, 2014

Day 1 Juice feast not fast!

First let me just ask you to ignore the fact that my fridge needs a good cleaning.. hahaha

This is a couple days worth of juice made up for today and tomorrow.  I also played around with some cashew milk and almond milk.  I am starting out my feast the right way.  I am starting with some fruity juices with carrots and sweet potatoes added for my veggies.  I also discovered that labeling them with either the recipe name or the ingredients makes it super helpful when grabbing for one.  Then I am not left wondering which juice I am going to have.  I am really tired of strictly green juice so I figured I would give this a shot.   So far the fruity ones have filled me up much better than the veggies ones have.  It is 12:36pm and I have had 2- 16 ounce jars of juice and I am not even hungry.  I only had 8 ounces of water in the mix so far.  Will try to get at least 20 more ounces in today.

I wanted to try out a couple different juice cleanse plans so I ordered a 1 day cleanse from Blueprint and a 3 day cleanse from Urban Remedy.  They will both be delivered tomorrow.  I am want to try out their juices just to compare to the satisfaction aspect.  Some have reported that both those companies provide juice that seems to satisfy them better than the ones they have made at home.  I will give a review of each when they arrive.  I am having them delivered to work so I can be sure they stay cold.

I am back at work and there are so many goodies here.   Sigh!   We have inventory so there are 30 extra people all walking around with snacks that smell so darn good.   Grrrrr

Finally home..  I failed..  I snacked on some stupid oreo balls..  6 of them were eaten before I even realized I had done it.  I got sidetracked and I ate them.  sigh.. In my defense who can really resist oreo balls.. hahaha  They were good but thankfully there are no more around me.

I managed to drink 5 jars of juice today.  I am no longer hungry.   Sad that I ate those stupid things..  but...  it was a learning lesson.  While they were really super good... They didn't last long enough for me to even really enjoy eating them.  Promise to do better from here on out..  Maybe i will slice up some veggies in case I get snacky again..  grrrrrr 

I have really been struggling today.  I know I can do this but dang..  I really love food.. hahaha
I am heading to bed so the temptation of the steaks and mashed potatoes do not get me...    Goodnight to all..  Cross your fingers my cleanse juices arrive tomorrow so I can start them on Wednesday.  got plenty for tomorrow all made up.

Sunday, March 9, 2014


Today is the fresh start to my juice fast.   One of these days I am going to succeed.   This is going to be the time.  I have the day off and will be traveling with the boyfriend so it should be pretty easy to keep my mind off food.  I will keep all my juice in a cooler bag with ice packs to keep them cold.  I also have 2- quart mason jars with fruit infused water ready to go.
Here is the ingredients for the Mean Green Juice from Joe Cross (I forgot the lemon and ginger in the picture)

This is the pulp after I was done juicing. 

2 pint jars of lovely Mean Green Juice. 

I apologize for this next bit..  My picture seems to have evaporated and I cannot find it.  I will leave the post but excuse the missing picture.  (2/16/15 picture is missing from blog)

The line up.  Starting top right with the orange one.  
1. Carrot, apple, ginger and lemon.  
2. Mean Green Juice.
3. Romaine, carrot, celery, pear, lime
4.Mean Green Juice
5. Tomato, carrot, celery, yellow bell pepper
6. blood orange, apple, celery

I woke up again. Feeling quite poor.  I was up all night with fighting doggies.  There are just some nights they insist on being disagreeable.  Drives me crazy!

I am however up and ready to begin my day.  Lemon water here I come.

I am going to have a redo

I totally blew it yesterday so I am going to have a redo.   

Still juicing but I was around so much food that I caved.   I can't believe it.   Totally caved and ate way to much.   I was miserable all day and night.  I am pretty sure that I learned a valuable lesson.  Over eating after days of little food makes for one UNHAPPY tummy...

Friday, March 7, 2014

Day 4: Feeling GREAT!!

WOW!!  I woke up early this morning feeling FANTASTIC...   Refreshed and not even slightly groggy.  I had a cup off lemon water and for once it didn't make my belly feel sour.

I got to work at 7:30am and my co-worker commented on how I looked so much better than yesterday...  In which I was feeling quite yucky for bits of the day. 

I had a cup of coffee with sugar free/dairy free creamer.  It was tasty but I didn't really feel like I needed it.  I just wanted it.. hahaha..  I did limit it to one cup though..

10:30am I finished a 25 ounce bottle of water.

I got a bit hungry around noon so I went with the only option I had available and that was 3 ritz crackers.  Just enough to take the edge off until I could leave for lunch at 1:00pm.

1:30pm I had 1.5 cups of Cauliflower soup.  Made with Cauliflower, carrots and parsley.  Nothing else added except water, sea salt and pepper for flavoring.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Day 3: Overly Cranky

I am soooo cranky today.  I have thus far managed not to go off on anyone but I am really cranky.  I woke up on the wrong side of the bed and just wanted to climb back in bed.  I did manage to get motivated once I was at work it was just a matter of getting there.

I am wore out and just want to chew some food.  Meaning cooked food.  hahaha

6:00am got up and made coffee for the boyfriend.  Drank a glass of lemon water.

8:00am rank a 12 ounce bottle of It Tastes Raaw juice.  The wheatgrass blend was surprisingly sweeter than I had hoped for. (The boyfriend accidentally broke my jar of breakfast green juice so I had to substitute it)

9:00am I had a large cup of coffee with vanilla extract.  What a blessing.  Made me feel a little less cranky but then it also made me very hungry.

11:00am I drank a 12 ounce It tastes Raaw  juice.  It was the Strawberry
Purple Carrot blend and it was a sweet tarty thick blend.  Very good but not as good as what I make at home.

1:30pm  I have decided to have some Cashew horchata.   wowza is it ever filling and tastes divine...

3:45pm I chose a Grilled Chicken Sweet Chili McWrap from McDonalds since I was starving.  I opted to eat all but the actual wrap.  Leave out the unnecessary carbs.

5:35pm polished off 18 ounces of water.

8:00pm I had the remainder of the Cashew Horchata I made earlier..

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Day 1: Modified juice cleanse

Okay..  So here is to another day 1.  I am including raw foods in this cleanse...  Veggies, fruits and nuts..  Only because I am not ready to go all out juicing again yet.  My intentions are to juice most of the day but with nice raw snacks..

I woke up around 6am feeling quite groggy...  Drank my morning 8 ounce lemon water and my mouth was rank.  GROSS!!!   I scraped my tongue and then brushed my teeth really good.  Much better..
I arrived at work at 7:30am feeling horribly tired.  We were super busy so I didn't realize it was 10am before I even popped the top on my 16 ounce green juice.  Super tasty..  I calculated it out to be about 130 calories for 16 ounces.

I left the building for sales calls and ended up drinking 10 ounces of veggie broth because it was just plain cold out and I am still freezing..  Come on Spring..  I need a visit for a few months.. hahaha
I have 5 more juices to drink as well as my almond milk.  It is already 11:40am and I am not sure I will squeeze all of them in. 

I forgot to mention that I am signing up for some beginner yoga classes at the community center.   Should be interesting.  Lol

1:40pm and I am STARVING!!!!   Just finished my second 16 ounce green juice of the day.   Wouldn't be so hungry if I was able to drink my juice.   I should be starting my 4th juice in 20 minutes.   Sigh.   I am getting headache and I am feeling like I need some caffeine aka..  COFFEE....


I am desperately trying to survive today.   I wish I wasn't working so I could take a dang nap.
Finished my 3rd juice of the day 16 ounces of juice at around 3:30pm.  It is the fantastic Carrot Apple Pick me up juice from yesterdays post.  OMG it is soooo good.  I got 32 ounces of it from the recipe so that is 2 servings for me.  Might have the other one later in place of my almond milk it is that good.  This recipe calculates out to be around 200 calories per 16 ounce serving.

4:15pm I had a small handful of almonds.  Took away a bit of the hunger..  Only 18 ounces of water in so far.  Will try to push down at least another 18 before bed.

It is now 6:05pm and I have a raging headache that is really quite killer.  I will take a detox bath in a bit.  Gotta make supper for the kiddo and then maybe catch an episode of Bones.  Popping open another 16 ounce green juice for my 4th of the day.  

I finished my evening off with a small handful of homemade raw flax crackers.  I made them with almond pulp, flax seeds and sea salt...  

Now I am hitting the hay.  I wanted to do another load of laundry with the new washing machine but...  this piece of crap that I paid a ton for squeaks like crazy and doesn't seem to be able to center the loads properly.  It just walked across the floor.  I can hear the stupid thing all the way upstairs on the other side of the freaking house...  GRRRRRRRRR

Monday, March 3, 2014

Back in the saddle

Tonight I am preparing my juice for tomorrow as I intend on hitting it hard this week.  I ate all raw today after my explosive weekend with junk food.  I went to the grocery and purchased about $32.00 worth of veggies and that will be enough to make about 4 days worth of juice.  Mainly veggies and apples..

 If you have not visited the site Vedged Out you are really missing out.... She has a recipe there that is just plain amazing..  It is called Ultra Green Juice and is probably the best tasting GREEN juice I have made to date... WOW>>>  I could drink this all day..  It made a whopping 80 full ounces of juice.   I do not think I will be making another juice for tomorrow simply because I had not anticipated it making quite so much.

She also has a recipe for a cashew milk that I just might try.  I love my almond milk but cashew milk might be a nice change..

These are my lovely Kefir bottles..  The 2 on the left are milk kefir with blueberries. The one in the middle is water kefir with Raspberries.  The 2 on the right are milk kefir with lemon and orange.  While juicing I intend on using the milk kefir in place of my evening almond milk on certain days.  The water kefir just any old time.  I , of course, will not be eating the fruit.. hahaha  I do realize that I will not get the full benefit of juicing by drinking kefir, however, relatively speaking the almond milk isn't juice either...

Okay..  After thinking about it I decided to make a jar of  Pick-Me-Up Apple Carrot Juice.   Just in case I needed something different in the afternoon.  I have never been one to really be able to drink the same thing all day irregardless how much I love it..  Doesn't look great but sure tastes sweet and refreshing!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

long week

I had the worst long week ever...   Short handed at work... Felt horribly crappy with a nasty cold.  The boyfriend was gone at a class for work..  sigh...  I was so grateful when Friday afternoon rolled around..

Headed to the boyfriends house after work and enjoyed a lazy weekend eating horribly bad choices in food.  But I had a good time with Bruce and was just happy he was home..  Now.. I am back at my home wishing I didn't have to work tomorrow.. lol

On another note.. I know I said I would NEVER do another salt flush...  However.. a super nice gal emailed me with an alternative method of flushing...  Instead of chugging 32 ounces of salt water followed by all kinds of nasty things...  she said to mix the salt in 16 ounces of water followed by 16 ounces of flavored water.  The flavored water will erase all the nasty salt taste in your mouth and still mix with the salt water in your system..  So.... I just gave it a shot..  I have downed the salt water and the flavored water.  That was 20 minutes ago.  No cramping, no puking, not a bad thing in sight so far.  I figure in another 20 minutes I should start to feel the belly rumbling with signals to get close to the bathroom..  I don't even feel like laying down like I did the last time.. hmmmmm...  Wonder what the effects will be...

Stay tuned...

It is 9:28pm.   Effects were the same as previous..  This method is just as effective and way less traumatic.  Many trips to the potty..  Same gross outcome but with much less stress leading up to it.  I can handle this method much easier and would recommend if you insist on doing a Salt Water Flush please give this way a try.  You will like it much better.  I lost 3 pounds in the process.  172.2 before I drank the water..  169.0 about 3 minutes ago.  All that stored yuck is gone.  3 pounds of it..  Doesn't even seem possible but the scale wouldn't lie.  hahaha