This is part of my daily line up. Suja juice and blended cabbage soup.
I made it thru the morning without much incident. I ended up going to bed last night at 9:30 pm due to udder exhaustion. I really have to start going to bed earlier than midnight.. hahaha
5:45am : Awoke feeling quite alert and energized. I was out of bed and in the shower within minutes. Not that just NEVER happens.. I felt great.. Took my first 2 detox pills with a 10 ounce cup of hot lemon water.
6:30am: 2 skinny fiber pills with another 10 cup of hot green tea with fresh lemon juice.
7:00am: 1 cup of coffee with sugar free french vanilla creamer (big no no but I refuse to give that up)
8:00am: finished 10 ounces of water. 3 detox pills
8:30am: had the 9 ounces of glow juice. I was just to full to even force myself to drink more.
9:30am: I managed to get 9 ounces of suja fuel juice down. Not really in the mood to eat or drink anything. Nothing significant other than lack of appetite or thirst.
10:30am: I had another 8 ounces of water. 2 skinny fiber pills. Feeling kind of sick to my belly. Not sure what the deal is but it isn't really a nice feeling. Thankfully I was on sales calls to different businesses so I was able to sit and drive a lot. Walking is not making my belly feel good at all.
1:00pm: 2 cups of cabbage soup. About 10 ounces give or take. It is about as delicious as you can get.. All warm and making my belly feel soooo good.. I am pretty alert. No headache or out of it feelings. Feel quite energized actually.
I did not manage to make my cauliflower soup last night so I am stopping at the store tonight to get the ingredients so I can tonight. I am so in the mood for the creamy goodness. I love cabbage soup but a mix would be lovely.
2:10pm: I am feeling quite weak at the moment. I just ate 2 cups of soup so I should be feeling good. Wtf.. My head is starting to get a little headachy. Not bad but also not nice.
Did i mention i have been in the potty many times today? At least 10 times to pee and my boss keeps looking at me funny :)
3:30pm: I opened the 16 ounce Suja Purify juice.. Ewwwww... It is so beety tasting that I almost gagged.. I really hate beets.. They just plain taste like dirt. I have 2 more bottle of that junk to drink. And being $9.00 a bottle I will manage.. Maybe mix it with something fruity.. IDK...
4:40pm: 16 ounces of cabbage soup.. 3 detox pills
I cheated through the day by nibbling on a half cup of almonds.. Made me feel better..
Oh.. and 18 ounces more water thru the day..
As I am making my juice for tomorrow I have been sampling.. Around 8 ounces of variety juice.
I just wanna munch on my green pepper and tomatoes and celery.. ooooo and the soaking almonds look yummy! Can you tell I am starving...
I am going to have another 8 ounces of cabbage soup before bed. I know I shouldn't but something warm other than tea will be nice.. 2 cleanse pills
1143 calories
10,334 steps
morning weigh in 170.2
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