Monday, February 17, 2014

Soup and Juice

I have found something interesting.   I found it at the People's Food Co-op in La Crosse.  It is called Total Body Cleanse.  A complete 14 day Internal Cleanse claiming to be organic. I started it yesterday.  So far so good.  2 pills in the morning upon waking up.  3 pills 30 minutes before breakfast.  3 more pills 30 minutes in the evening.  2 more pills in the evening.    10 pills total of 3 different blends.  Nothing significant to report other than I did get a bit gassy last night.  Not sure what that was all about but ewwww...

Now.. I am still taking my Skinny Fiber.  The link will take you to my page where you can read about the product.  It is amazing at making you full so you don't over eat.  It also helps regulate your potty breaks.  I will do another post about the product at another time.  I want to focus on the Total Body Cleanse product now. 

One thing I want to mention is that after my last juice cleanse I went right back to eating junk and gained back the weight I had lost.  This tells me that I really need to be careful of my eating habits and pay attention to the type of food I am eating.  I felt horrible all last week and I am sure that it was due to all the eating out we did.  My belly hurt and I had major headaches that were bordering on being migraines.

2 days of good food and I am feeling much better.  I made a couple days worth of juice and also made myself some cabbage soup that I blended up into a smooth creamy blend.  I am going to make some cauliflower soup tonight.  That stuff is AMAZING!!!  I use almond milk in place of cows milk and I skip the flour all together.  You don't really need it.  It is all in how you season it. 

My plan for this 14 day cleanse is to stay away from heavy solid food.  I plan to still eat fruit in whole form and some veggies like cucumbers and zucchini.  The main will be blended soups though.  No meat, grain or dairy for this one.  A total juice cleanse just isn't going to work for me.  My will power is just not good enough..  I am a cave-er in-er when it comes to snacking.  Habit kicks in and I reach for my beloved ritz crackers.. haha

I will leave this post as is for now.  Possibly update later tonight.  

Morning weigh in: 172

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