Sunday, January 26, 2014

Day 10 of 15 day reboot

Good Grief...  I have been swamped.. I apologize for not getting on here sooner...

How I am feeling...  Well.. the caffeine withdrawal headaches are gone..  I feel pretty cleaned out.  I am down 8 pounds and feel pretty good.  My only concerns at this point are how my belly is feeling.  Very empty even though I drink plenty of fluid to keep it full..  I am desperately trying to stay focused but my body is not cooperating very well. 

I am just plain hungry.  I feel light headed a lot.  I don't really care for that feeling.  I drink juice when it happens and it fixes the problem for the time.  As long as I stay on task with something I am okay.  When I am just relaxing all I think about is food..

I almost gave up on Friday and ended up getting sidetracked and managed to stay on track with it.  This reboot is much harder than the last one I did.  Maybe because it is so dang cold out.  It is possible to get -50 out tonight and it is just blowing thru the house like crazy..

Anyway..  overall I am energized again.  Some sluggish moments but nothing to horrible..

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Day 5 and 6 of 15 day reboot

So yesterday was a nightmare for me.  I got up and did my normal routine.  Lemon water in the morning..  Made my smoothie breakfast and went to work.  10 minutes in my boss comes up to me and asks if I plan on taking my piercings out.  My eyebrow, nose and tongue are pierced and have been for many years.  Now.. I have been employed for 3 years with this company and it has never been an issue until a year ago when I was asked to remove it and I refused.  Nothing more was said.  Now all the sudden it is either take them out or be fired on the spot.  Well.. listen here.. my piercings are small and very inoffensive.  I find it very hypocritical that the guys can walk around with full sleeve tattoos and I can't have small studs...  WTF...  I refused to take them out and he said it was going to be an issue. 

I waited all day for the fall out that did not come.  I was so stressed that I couldn't finish my smoothie, didn't eat lunch, and barely got my juice down.  I called the district manager to ask if there was some compromise like taking the nose one out and leaving the eyebrow..  He said a definite no.  So right before quitting time the boss comes to me and again asks if I plan on taking them out and I said no.  I will take the nose one out but not the others.  He said to get a dark one and keep my hair covering it and it shouldn't be a problem.  I agreed. 

The rest of the day had my nerves shot from the stress and came home to find Bruce in bed sick and feverish..  FRACK!!!   Took my darling daughter Macky (McKenzie) to her award ceremony for the VFW, made the supper and then sent Bruce into the tub filled with hot water and salts to help relax him.  Big backfire..  He felt horrible.

The night was restless for me and I got little sleep.. 

I made lemon water and took it with me to work this morning only to have one of my co-workers following me around to see if I had taken my piercings out since she was a sheep and did as she was told..  Grrrrr..  Mind your own dang business... I hate that with a passion..  Nosy and I have no doubt she intends on ratting us out..  Whatever.. If I get fired more the better..  Better jobs are out there that pay more and less stress..

8:00am- BREAKFAST!!  I managed to choke down my 14 ounces of morning juice.  Carrot apple lemon and spinach..  It was very tasty..

9:30am- 18 ounces of water down..

11:00am- SNACK TIME!!!  12 ounces of plain carrot and celery juice.

1:30pm- LUNCH TIME!!  16 ounces of green juice made with celery, kale, spinach, green apple, cayenne pepper, cucumber and pear.

3:00pm- Incredibly tired..  Is it naptime yet?  No... you are working silly fish... sigh...

4:00pm- 18 ounces of water finished.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Day 4 of 15 day reboot

Well today is a Monday...  Thats for sure.. grrrr

5:45am- wake up with 10 ounces lemon water.

8:00am- Island Green Smoothie

9:30am- finished first 18 ounces of water

10:30am- 12 ounces of Carrot Apple Lemon Juice.  Very good but cut the lemon.  Instead of 2 I did 1.5 lemons.

12:15pm- green salad with olive oil dressing.  7 ounces of green detox soup

2:00pm- finished second 18 ounces of water.

4:15pm- 12 ounces Carrot Apple Lemon Juice.

Finally home from work..  Lucky me has a store meeting at 8pm.  Not on my list of fun things to do.. grrrr.

Can you tell I am cranky?  I have a really bad case of the f - its... I am stressed and just want COFFEE!!!

6:30pm- 7 ounces of Squash Apple Soup..  It really is not great..  YUCK... I do not like it.

8:00pm- 14 ounces of hot coffee...  Yes.. I blew it..  I couldn't stand myself so I just gave in and got it over with.  And it was YUMMY!!!  It tasted so dang good...  I don't feel guilty for cheating... But now that it is out of my system I think I will be okay..  My attitude is much better as well...

*****  I also wanted to touch base and say that I have lost 3.9 pounds at this point.  I also have never gone to the bathroom this much in a day ever...  Holy Moly I have to pee a lot.   That has to be a good thing right?

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Day 3 of 15 day reboot

I woke up this morning at 3am with the worst belly cramps imaginable.  OMFGosh!!!  It was so horrible.  I laid on the bathroom floor by the toilet just praying it would stop.  1.5 hours of pure hell..   Seriously it was intense..  I didn't lose it, but close several times.  I was definitely stopping this plan..  Nothing was worth this kind of pain.  NOTHING should ever make you feel this bad.


After sleeping on the floor until 5:30am-ish....  I discovered that my body was just plain unhappy and really needed to be cleaned out more than ever.  So... I will continue the program and get my body back to where it should and needs to be.

6:00am- 10 ounces of hot lemon water with ginger

7:00am- 10 ounces of hot green tea with fresh peppermint to cool the tummy..

10:00am- BREAKFAST!!  20 ounces Shamrock Smoothie...  This is super good, but I did add a couple drops of stevia to sweeten it up some.  Just a tad lip puckering.. I don't like a full lemon in my smoothies and tends to make me pucker to much..  My thoughts are this...  If it is to bitter, tart or just plain yucky you are not going to enjoy doing it..  So tweek it a bit without changing it completely..  It you can enjoy it you will stick with it more..

12:15pm- LUNCHTIME!!!  I know...  Skipped my morning juice.. I really should be having that for lunch, but I am still not feeling super great and just want something in my belly.  Something hot..  so...Green Detox Soup it is..  This stuff is AMAZING!!

My goal for today is to drink a bit more water..  Instead of tea..  I love tea, however, I do need to increase the fluids just a bit..  maybe 8 more ounces to start.. haha

Took myself a little nap.  Feeling very tired today.

2:15pm- having a nice tall 7 ounce cup of water kefir.  OOOOO... it is lovely...

3:00pm-SNACK TIME!!! 15 ounces of Green Lemonade Juice...  Not to bad at all...  Kind of fresh tasting.

I am finally roasting up my acorn squash for supper..  Gonna make some Apple Squash Soup.  To be honest I would rather just devour the squash as it is.. hahaha..  Smells divine.. but sampling the broth before blending isn't all that great..  :(

6:05pm- SUPPER TIME!!  Blah..  The Apple Squash Soup is nothing to write home to mom about.  Its not horrible but would require a lot of tweaking if I was making this for any other reason.  Even with pepper it is bland.  The green detox soup was sooo much better..  However..  I am having the other half of my Mushroom stuffed Acorn Squash from last night.  That is divine... 

6:30pm- finished a 20 ounce bottle of water.

7:00pm- 10 cup of hot yerba mate tea.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Day 2 of 15 day reboot

I woke up this morning feeling okay..  A bit on the sore side..    I was not able to get comfortable so I tossed and turned all night.  I am pretty sure I smacked the bf a few times.  I woke up feeling alert but craving coffee...  sigh.. The smell of fresh morning brew is overwhelming this morning.  Driving me crazy sitting next to Bruce while he drinks his. I would love to have me a big ol cup with some french vanilla creamer but I will behave and skip it.

I ate more food yesterday than I normally do.. I usually have less food that has more calories so my belly is not really liking being so packed with food, water and juice.  Calorie wise I feel find.  No burn out to mention.  No starving belly rumbles yet.. haha

Bruce will be gone until Tuesday.  He had an emergency run to North Carolina and wouldn't you know we woke up to a snow storm..  So I am back here at our Sparta home until he gets back.  Had to drive in it this morning so I was not overly happy about it.  It will make this first few days more manageable though.  Not having to watch him eat burgers and fries will be a big help.

9:00am- 10 ounces hot lemon water with a slice of ginger

9:30am- BREAKFAST TIME!! apple berry breakfast (this recipe is included in the 15 day reboot plan)

I just popped in the new Man of Steel.   It is pretty good..  A good way to spend the day today will be in front of the tube and doing some hula hooping in the living room.. hahaha

10:15am- 10 ounces of hot green tea..  just the plain old original blend..  Very tasty though.. I needed something hot.

11:00am- SNACK BREAK!!!  Mid morning 20 ounces of Celery Pear Cucumber green juice.   Not horrible but not as sweet as it could be.

11:50am- has me anxiously awaiting the carrot ginger soup I will be having for lunch.. Think I might top it with a bit of parsley...

12:35pm- LUNCH TIME!!! Carrot Ginger Soup was amazing!   I also had another Kale, tomato, avocado, basil salad..  Very tasty but left off the honey this time.

3:00pm- SNACK BREAK!!  14 ounces of Celery Pear Cucumber green juice.

I now have my supper cooking..  A dreamy green detox soup.  Loaded with zucchini, kale, leeks, garlic... whoa.. it smells FANTASTIC!!!


Not so nice stuff:  May be offensive to some readers

I am not gonna lie..  Going without coffee for 2 days is about to kill me.  I now have a headache from Hades.  I am trying to be mellow today, but this is starting to really get ugly..  Full out caffeine withdrawl stinks..

As for the detox..  wow!!  I have never had it quite this bad..  Gas like crazy and smells like sewer..  I have been in the bathroom 6 times and it is only 4:17pm.  That doesn't include the trips to pee..  sigh..  I was not ready for this at all..  On a good note, it will be a good thing in a few days. 

I realize it is cold out but I am freezing my rear off..  I turned up the heat and I am still cold.  Wool socks, sweatshirt and thermal yoga pants..  Seriously.. I should be sweating.  Not to mention I am starving.. I may have to have part of my supper early.  haha

6:25pm- SUPPER TIME!!!   I am starving...  Green Detox Soup here I come.. I am going to eat you while I cook up your Acorn buddy.. hahaha...  Then I am going to eat my portabella, onion, garlic Stuffed Acorn squash...  YUMMY

Well skip the Green Detox soup.  I couldn't eat any more after the squash..  Not sure that it will affect anything..  With all the water I am drinking I just couldn't fit the soup into the belly.  I will save it for tomorrow and sub it for the soup that tomorrow calls for.

7:30pm- 10 ounce hot cup of spicy green tea with yerba mate..

10:33pm-  It is time for me to shut down day 2.  Bedtime for me...  Goodnight to all...


Friday, January 17, 2014

Day 1 of 15 day reboot...

Wow...   Today has been something else...  I woke up in some serious pain in my left chest plate.  Dang it hurts like the blazes.    The car accident messed it up good.  I had to get up for work so I just managed as best I could.  These are the days when I wish I was still a stay at home mommy.  lol

6:00am- 10 ounces water with 1 ounce of fresh lemon juice.  I let the rind float around while I drank it.    I wanted to try adding ginger root to it, but hence the store was out so I couldn't give it a whirl.

7:30am- made myself a 10 ounce cup of green breakfast tea.  

8:00am- BREAKFAST!!!
I ate my apple berry breakfast..  It was tasty, however, I didn't much care for all the cinnamon.  Next batch will have half the recommended amount and just a tad more nutmeg.

9:00am- 10 ounce cup of green peppermint tea

10:00am-SNACK BREAK!!!
15 ounces mid morning carrot, apple, ginger juice. Very good..  However I couldn't get the whole jar down.  Just to much.

Went to the doctor and got in early.. yay...  Looks like nothing is broken just some deep tissue bruising.  Pain meds and instructions on being lazy this weekend.. hahaha..  That shouldn't be to dang hard since I have the best bf ever.  He is a good caretaker so I am pretty sure he will not let me move when he hears what the doctor says...  (if I tell him.. haha)

12:45pm- LUNCHTIME!!!  
1 meduim sweet potato and 1 large carrot made into fries and seasoned with cumin, salt and pepper.  Olive oil to get it to stick to the fries.

Tossed green salad made with red capped lettuce, tomato and spinach. Topped with olive oil, salt and pepper..  Added a small dash of hand dried parsley for flavor...

12 ounces of flavored water

4:15pm- SNACKTIME!!  I ended up taking a nap so I slept thru my juice snack.  No worries though.. I was thirsty so I gulped it down fast.. hahaha  15 ounces mid morning carrot, apple, ginger juice

It is time to start preparing my supper..  I also made my juice for tomorrow since I will not be home. Celery Pear Cucumber Green Juice is tomorrows snack menu...  YUMMY!!

5:45pm- SUPPER TIME!!  I am having a beautiful Kale, tomato, avocado, basil salad with honey olive oil dressing and topped with some seal salt and a dash of pepper...

Then some sweet potato and carrot fries and some sauteed greens with garlic...  oooooo.. I am starving!!!


So after eating my salad I skipped the sauteed greens.. I just wasn't hungry and to be honest I felt kind of yucky..  So I just skipped that part..  I also substituted the sweet potato and carrot fries for Plantain fries..  Omgosh those are sooo yummy with a bit of sea salt.  I will definitely be making those again after my reboot.

8:30pm- I did manage in a cup of tea.  Chamomile green tea with some lavender buds..  It will be good sleepytime for me.. hahaha

Thursday, January 16, 2014

15 Day Reboot with Joe

Hi all...  Tomorrow is another test day..  I got talked in to doing a reboot with a couple gals online.  So...  I am starting tomorrow.  This is what happens when you say you want to do another cleanse.. hahaha

If anyone is interested in joining us.. here is the direct link to the program we are doing.  It is the Reboot with Joe. There is a 3 day, 5 day, 10 day and the 15 day program available with shopping lists and recipes included as well as what to have for each meal of the day.  Check the shopping lists though..  I realized that the 15 day reboot shopping list was missing the mango and 2 pears.  Thankfully I had the recipes with me so I didn't leave without them.

My lemon, ginger and cup are ready for tomorrow morning.  All I have to do is add water and prepare. I also have my breakfast and mid-morning juice prepared.  The afternoon juice is the same as the mid-morning one so I doubled the recipe and made it at one time for ease.  The juice recipe calls for 6 apples.  I love apple juice but mine comes out so pulpy that I have to strain it 2 times to get most of it out.  Otherwise it comes out like watery applesauce.. grrrr  mild annoyance.  I have the Omega vrt350 so I didn't expect to have to strain quite so much..  I got just under one full mason jar from the recipe and that is considered to be 2 servings...   And i sampled it and it is amazing...

The other meals for the day can be prepared at the time of eating so I didn't bother pre-making them.  I will have to do some preparing tomorrow for Saturdays meals since I will be on the go most of the day with the bf.  Bruce is amazing but he does not like eating my kind of foods so I will make mine ahead of time so he doesn't have to wait on me.. hahaha

Most of the items in this reboot are raw foods so even a raw foodie can do this.  Just substitute certain meals with the raw ones and you would be fine. It appears to be a vegan menu.  I apologize that I am not real educated on what you folks don't eat.. :)

I am pretty excited to start this tomorrow.  We will see how it goes...  Shouldn't be to hard..  Looks easy enough any way.  So on that note I am going to head to bed.  A good night sleep is what I need.  Keep in mind that I am still pretty bruised up from Saturdays car accident.  This probably isn't the best time to cleanse but why not.. Life is always a challenge so I might as well do it.. hahaha

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Random blabbering

It has been one heck of a week...

Friday... in the midst of a nasty snow storm we decided to travel from Wisconsin to Michigan.  It usually takes about 7.5 hours give or take..  Not this time.. sigh

The roads we nasty but we made it 30 miles from our destination before we ended up in the ditch..  The adjuster says it is about $4,000 worth of damage but they missed a few things that I will need to get cleared up before its all done.  The shop did order the other parts needed today so hopefully within a couple weeks I will have my wheels back.  Until then I will drive the boyfriends Saturn around.

That being said I am not really liking my weight gain.  Only 3 pounds but I can tell and I just don't like it.  The boyfriend thinks I am crazy to worry about it, but I do anyway.  I just want to lose the belly.  So ugly to look at.. hahaha..

I have been eating raw foods for 3 days now.  It is amazing how good food tastes when you don't have all that other junk in your system to clog up your taste buds.  I have discovered that beets are not so bad if you mix them in with other veggies.. hahaha   There is something incredibly satisfying when you can eat a huge bowl of salad and not have to worry about calories or fat..

The thought is in my head that I will be doing another juice cleanse soon.  Not exactly sure when, but thinking it might be Friday..  Just not sure yet..

Thursday, January 9, 2014

My Birthday! !!!

It is Birthday Day today...  YAY!!!   Despite having to work today it was an overall good birthday...  The boyfriend Bruce got me a birthday tattoo last night.  What a great surprise... It is an amazingly bright and beautiful tattoo..  On my wrist sits a lovely red, orange and yellow lotus amongst stunninly bright green leaves...  I cannot tell you how much I love it..  Stunning!!

Back to business...  I was approached by a gal today who asked me what was in the jar...  hahaha..  My splendid green juice made from Joe Cross's movie Fat, Sick and Nearly dead.  It is about 1.5 hours long but amazing to watch...  I recommend it...

So.. anyway....  She asked me what was in the jar and I told her it was my life changing brew...  She laughed and I went on to explain that it was juice I made with a juicer..  She was pretty interested in it and asked for my number so she could call me and get more information..  I gave it to her with a smile.

She called me about 20 minutes ago and we talked for 15 minutes...  I told her to stop in tomorrow and I would give her a couple bottles of fresh juice as well as some good tried and true recipes she might like..  Made me feel good to give someone else some information and maybe a boost to healthier eating..

So now I am thinking its time to pop in a movie and make a veggie pizza...  MMMMMMMMM

Have a wonderful evening!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Today is the day to make Kombucha tea.  I normally use a basic black tea however I am feeling a bit adventurous so I am going to brew some green tea and some rooibos tea..  Not sure how these will turn out but since I have some baby scobies I don't mind testing...
One of my little babies.... My newest scoby named Hank...

I have a batch that is ready for a second ferment..  I am going to add  apples and cinnamon to two of them and maybe apple/cherry to the other two.... 
ooooooooo...  These are going to be so yummy.. The 2 on the left are apples and cinnamon. The 2 on the right are cherries, apples and pineapple...  4 days and they will be ready to consume..

For those of you that do not know what Kombucha is...  Check out this website for more information...MrKate 

I love how they give instructions on how to flavor the booch...  I am a big one on flavoring due to the strong flavor without it..  To pungent for me..  I do on occasion like a bottle of straight up booch, but strawberry mint is by far my favorite..

I have adjusted my recipes to adapt to smaller jars.. I do not drink as much as most so I find it easier to make it so that I have a mason jar ready every other day..

Some of my favorite Kombucha sites:

Mr. Kate  She is a riot!!
Yum Universe
Natural Wellness Kitchen
Fragrant Vanilla Cake has many great raw recipes.. LOVE this site!!!
Cultured Food Life
Emma Christensen
Nourished and Nurtured

I have been getting a bit to many scobies so I have decided that when I get a few extras again I am going to make some doggies treats instead of just throwing them out..
kombucha doggy treats

Time to get off the computer and get some laundry done.. hahaha  Big fun there!!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Juicing tips

  • Fresh juice should always be consumed on an empty stomach. Drinking juice on an empty stomach allows the vitamins and minerals in the juice to go directly into your bloodstream. Having food already in your stomach prevents your body from rapidly absorbing the nutrients from the juice.
  •  As soon as your green juice is freshly juiced and gets exposed to air, the live enzymes begin to degrade, therefore decreasing the nutritional content.  It is always best to drink your juice freshly juiced if possible.
  • Sweet fruits and vegetables like watermelon, apples, pears, and carrots are very nutritious when consumed whole, but you can quickly consume to many when juiced. Limit the high sugar items.
  •  Juice (and smoothies) are food and should be chewed. It’s important to swish around the juice in your mouth or move your jaw up and down for a couple of seconds before swallowing it to release saliva that contains important digestive enzymes.
  •  Remember to rotate the greens (kale, chard, spinach, mustard greens, collards, dandelion, arugula, etc.) in your juice each week to prevent build up of oxalic acid.
  •  Mix up your juice ingredients..  Do not stick with the same juice day in and day out.  You will quickly get bored with juicing and lean more towards giving up.
  • Try to stay away from social gatherings that rotate around food.  This will only increase your desire to eat the things you do not want to eat.  If you do eat, stick with fruits and veggies..  Keeping watermelon on hand for the chewing action is a big help.  The small amount of fiber in it will usually not be a problem.

Juicing Basics

Whether you call it a juice fast, juice feast, juice cleanse or just a juice journey there are a few things  you should know before starting..  This is by no means a written in stone thing as well as not being everything you should know.. It is just something to get you started on your own personal journey to a healthy you.   I also want to be clear that I am in no way claiming I know it all because I do not.   Each experience is a new one so each is going to be different from the last.   I also am not an licensed nutritionist or doctor.   I am just a girl sharing her experiences and tips..

The first thing you need to remember is that not everyone is going to see your journey in the same light that you will.  There is a ton of conflicting information out there so you really need to go with what your body tells you.  It knows you better than anyone else.

Now.. You need to figure out what your goals are...  Do you want to cleanse your body?  Do you want to lose weight?  Do you want to try something new?  Are you looking to incorporate juicing into your regular diet?

Once you figure out your reasons you will have a better idea on what your expectations and guidelines should be.  

First off...  My goals have always been to detox and lose weight..  So based on that when you are planning your menus you will want all your daily juice to equal out to at least 50% green juice..  by green juice I mean.. leafy greens, kale, lettuce, swiss chard, romaine, parsley, cilantro, cucumber, broccoli, bok choy etc....  You get the idea...  

The more fruit you add to your recipes the more calories you are adding as well.. So go easy on the fuits.. Use them to sweeten your juice without making it the main course.

My rule of thumb has been to drink a gallon of juice a day...It is very difficult in the beginning until your tastebuds get used to it..  If you can't tolerate that much just drink as close as you can get and make sure you are still drinking water or tea...  Oolong is my favorite...  Yerba Mate as well...

Keep a journal or some other form of tracking.  Accountability is the key to success... I use my fitbit to track my foods...  Once you get the hang of it you can figure out your calories and fluid intake..  What I do is keep track of the amount of each ingredient I use..  then tally it up and divide it by the ounces.  Then I can track my ounces and calories each time I have a cup versus trying to figure out how much is left at the end of the day.

Save your bottles or jars for recycling into cute drinking containers.  You will see above that I use mason jars.  32 ounces in each jar so I only have to drink 4 of those each day.

I would also like to mention that it is not a good idea to drink strictly juice.. You need to add water to the mix.. Try some plain water infused with fruit, tea with no sweetener...  Heck.. I even drink coffee...  Some folks would flip hearing that, but... I will not give up my coffee for anything..  :)  I also add those flavor packets to some of my water to shake it up a bit.   

All this said.. lets get on to the mechanics of juicing.. You can do it one of 3 ways.. 

First get yourself a good juicer... A good juicer will yield way more juice than a cheapy.  In the long run anyway..  If you are not sure that juicing is for you then by all means by a cheap model at your local discount store.  It will do the trick until you choose to upgrade.  I have one of each..  I have an Omega VRT350 as well as a cheap one I picked up from Walmart.  It works but I do run my pulp back thru it to get additional juice out of it.

Second option is to use your blender.  Blend all ingredients with added water and strain it in a cheesecloth or cotton napkin.  This is a lot of work folks.. It takes more patience than I care to do, however, if you do not want to invest in a juicer it will work.  

Third option which I do not recommend...  Buy premade juice.  Just make sure it does not have added sugar.  There are some places you can buy it from online, but they are very pricey and do not give alot of customizing options.  Find yourself a juice bar that makes daily fresh juice.  We do not have one locally so I just make my own.  

Be Realistic... Keep your expectations real..  Juicing is hard..  It is not as easy as some might like to tell you..  Detoxing symptoms really suck..  Headaches, dizziness, nausea, foggy, and foul smells...  Keep it simple your first time round.  Try a 1 day cleanse to begin with.  If you feel you can go longer then by all means..  Just keep it real..  

  • Nifty products to assist in your drinking pleasure

I love my lids.. It makes drinking with my jars so much nicer and people love commenting on them.. lol   

I also like to recycle glass Starbucks bottles for easy toting.   I find my mason jars are quite difficult to transport in my small cooler bag.

Always remember that this is your journey and you can make it into what you want it to be.

happy juicing!!!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Post fast...

Hi all...  I am sure you are wondering how my first day post fast has gone..  Very well is the answer.

I had fresh fruit and salads.. I did add in a couple cups of coffee which tasted AMAZING!

My final weigh in left me at 170.1 pounds...  That was a nice little drop in weight..  I will see what it is tomorrow and we can see how eating affects it..  We all know that some of the weight loss will be yuckies being eliminated..

As for how I am feeling...  Quite amazing actually.  I feel fresh..  Does that make sense?  Light almost..  Clean... but VERY thirsty...  I have been feeling almost dry..  I drank close to 1.5 gallons of water today..

I plan on eating some yogurt tomorrow morning with some strawberries...  Might even venture to some quinoa for lunch..  We will see how the hunger levels are.

So that is pretty much it in a nutshell..  The 5 day fast was well worth it but I am definitely ready to be eating normal with healthier options...

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Day 5 : final day

I have made it to day 5 of my juice fast..  I wanted 5 days and I made it..  All I have to do now is stay strong for a few more hours... I am really looking forward to having some fresh fruit tomorrow morning..

I think knowing that this is my final day for this cleanse has me a bit stronger than if I had intended to continue on.

My head is still killing me.  A constant headache with the exception of about 30 minutes post juice.  I get about a 20 minute break then the headache comes back.  Not really nice, but will go away soon as usual.

7:45am : woke to a 10 ounce hot cup of orange mint tea..

8:55am : 16 ounces Green Gem juice (recipe below)

10:45am: 18 ounces water

1:45pm: 16 ounces " Pixie" juice (recipe below)

Green Gem
1 peeled orange
1 cucumber
3 stalks kale
2 celery stalks
1 inch ginger root

1 green apple
1/2 pineapple peeled
1 peeled orange
1 head romaine lettuce
1 inch piece ginger
6 grapes
1/2 cucumber

weight: 171.1

Day 4: Foggy and Light

6:00am:  woke up to a cup of lemon water..  7 ounces water to 1 ounce of lemon juice.

7:00 am :  16 ounces cucumber pear juice.

9:00am :  18 ounces water finished.

11:22am : 16 ounces of "berry blast" juice (recipe below)

3:00pm:  18 ounces water finished.   I am feeling quite foggy and light..   A little more energy than usual, but the foggy seems to overpower the energy.

3:30pm :  6 ounces carrot juice.

5:00 pm:  10 ounces of lavender mint tea.

8:00pm : 20 ounces of cucumber, carrot and lime juice

I am calling it a night.  I am just wiped out..  No energy and just want bed..

Berry Blast
5 strawberries
5 raspberries
1/2 cucumber
1/2 head romaine
15 blueberries
1 orange peeled

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Mid day thoughts..

Holy crap I feel horrible...  This is going to be one of those occasional ramblings I already warned you about..

1.  I feel incredibly weak.  I am not so much hungry as I am feeling tired.  I need a nap.

2.  The smells coming out of me are AWFUL.  Good gravy it is really not nice..

3.  My mouth is not liking being coated with a film of yucky.  I now carry my toothbrush and powder with me so I can at least manage to get rid of the slime.

4.  I want a chesse burger so bad..  A nice juicy one that is oozing with fatty goodness.. hahaha

5.  I am crabby and need to keep my distance from those that I already know are going to annoy me so I do not say things I shouldn't. :)

6.  Realizing that I am in a bad mood makes my choices today much easier..

All that being said.  This grapefuit and beet juice isn't so bad.  Even with the beet skin still on.   Staying stong is really hard when I keep seeing those around me munching on left over Christmas cookies.  I can do this..  Not so hard now...  I just have to remember the goal.  5 pounds gone by January 9th (My birthday!)

Day 3: Not as hard

7:15pm :  I woke up late.   Forgot to set the alarm so I had to skip my lemon tea water.   Instead I added 1 ounce of lemon juice to 10 ounce bottle of water.

8:00am  : arrived at work and consumed 16 ounces of grapefruit and beet juice.   Tasty but gotta remember to peel the beets.  To much of a dirt flavor for my liking.  

10:46 am : 18 ounces of water.   Feeling a bit weak :(

12:54pm :  Okay.. I just plain need something warm in my belly...  Tea is not going to cut it for me so... 8 ounce cup of veggie broth is going to have to do..   Not on the juice fast plan, but I think this may just help with the weakness too.

4:00pm :  It has been a long day.  Finding myself not as thirsty as I have been.  A bit difficult to focus and extremely tired.  Another 30 minutes til quitting time.   Going to be a quiet night at home I think.  

6:00pm  :   16 ounces of watermelon kale juice.  

8:00pm : 18 ounces of water

weight 173.2

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Day 2: Struggling with the smell of bacon

It is nearing the end of day 2.  WOW was today tough...  Made bacon and pancakes for the family this morning.  It was the most awful experience..  I love cooking and it killed me not to snack while making breakfast for everyone.

8:00am  :  Woke up and immediately had a glass of lemon water..  7 ounces of water and 1 ounce of juice in cube form.

9:00am : I caved and had a cup of coffee.  It was lovely but shouldn't have had it..  Oh well..  Plug on and deal with my choices... haha

10:00am : 12 ounces of "Clean Machine" juice (recipe below).

11:30am : Struggling with the lingering scent of fried bacon... grrrrr   18 ounces of water finished.

1:00pm : 16 ounces of "Rhapsody in Red" juice.  Still starving but made a dent in the hunger..

3:00pm : 18 ounces of water finished.  Beginning to feel foggy...  Almost a weak feeling.  Kind of wobbly...  Might have to relax the afternoon away..  Definitely not liking this feeling... I don't recall ever feeling this poor.  TMI:   My mouth tastes like crap...

5:15pm :  Dang I feel like absolute crap!  Weak and starting to get cranky...

7:46pm : had my 16 ounce dinner juice.  It was quite filling but I am really feeling the a$$ dragging hard right now.   I just want a big fat juicy cheeseburger loaded with mushrooms and oozing cheese..  

10:45 pm : bedtime

Clean Machine             Rhapsody in Red
1 green apple                1 green apple
2 handfuls spinach        1/2 cucumber
1/2 peeled lemon          1/2 medium beet peeled
2" burdock root             1/2" ginger root
1/2" ginger root